Hap Hak Hang is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel Ode to Gallantry. The series was first broadcast on TVB in Hong Kong in...
During Emperor Renzong's reign in the Song Dynasty, Bao Zheng is appointed Kaifeng Prefecture Prefect. Bao Zheng, his trusted aide Gongsun Ce, Guard...
Power corrupts. And the pursuit of power devastates. As the battle for Geilpur reaches its peak, thirst for power overpowers human conscience in this...
Prepare for tears, laughter and drama as our Chelsea regulars hit the LA scene with a bang. With new friends, hangouts and hobbies, it is set to be a...
Every era has an individual that begins a journey seeking the way of the road. The numerous adventures they encounter are harsh, relentless, and life...