A mysterious organization is interested in fledging duelist Shobu Kirifuda's ability to bring Duel Master creatures to life. With the support of his...
The story begins with the ambiguous relationship between friends Viola and Luma, who seem predestined to literally enter each other's lives. Born on...
Total Drama World Tour is the third season of the Total Drama franchise. In this series, fifteen returning contestants and three new contestants are...
After 2 and a half years Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha, and sets about putting his ambitions to work. It will not be easy though as...
A heroic group of teens sheltered from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world receive a message that inspires them to leave the safety of the only...
Six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. We meet him when the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer...
One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged...