Tales of science fiction, fantasy and the occult, exploring humanity's hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways. Next stop ahead The...
Scorpion Tales was a British thriller television series, originally screened in 1978. Produced by ATV, the series was transmitted on the ITV network....
Anthology of contemporary one-off dramas, adapted from the unique and mystical world of Maori supernatural legends. In these tales of the unexpected,...
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them...
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. Sponsored by Kraft Foods, it was seen three weeks...
Muraki works for a small detective office situated in downtown Tokyo. He takes frequent naps in between cases, during which he often have dreams with...
Tokyo Seimenjo is a udon franchise restaurant with the motto "Quick, cheap, and delicious." The restaurant has a lot of regular customers, but their...