MA FU, a retired employee of the HK Correctional Services Department, moved back to live with his son after retirement. MA FU treats and disciplines...
The story begins with the ambiguous relationship between friends Viola and Luma, who seem predestined to literally enter each other's lives. Born on...
Monarch: The Big Bear of Tallac is a Japanese anime TV series consisting in 26 episodes. It was directed by Yoshio Kuroda and was first broadcast on...
The Kitahara Kickers are a soccer who struggle to win a game, with a run of 22 consecutive losses. But then a newcomer joins the team whose attitude...
Hello everyone, I'm Maya the Bee! What do I love? Freedom! That's why I live in the meadow instead of the hive. I have a thousand and one adventures...
A chain reaction in the European power grid plunges the continent into darkness. Hacker Pierre Manzano realizes that a code he wrote is to blame. In...