Aoi is a moe-type maid working on a wealthy Osaka estate. In reality, though, she is an undercover detective sent by the police on a special mission...
The story begins with an orphan girl named Asma (Hina Altaf), abandoned by her mother, a maid. The mother left her to protect Asma from being sold by...
A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is headed by one of Japan's most powerful magnates. However, the family head...
Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his...
Amalia Parisi is a tax preparer, living in Chalkida. She is about to get married with Anestis, but when she meets his brother Nikolas, a new love is...