Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work...
Robbery Homicide Division was an American police procedural television series on CBS, created by Barry Schindel with executive producer Michael Mann....
K-Ville is an American television drama created and executive produced by Jonathan Lisco, centering on policing New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina....
A drama about Cha Yeon-ho, a reasonable individualist from KAIST, and Min So-hee, a traffic investigation ace with cool judgment and warm sensitivity...
The Oldest Rookie is an American crime drama that aired on CBS from September 16, 1987 to January 13, 1988. The series stars Paul Sorvino as Officer...
Samuel is 10 years old. He's keeping a diary, and he has a problem. His problem is that Basile told the tall Julie that Samuel loved her. Which isn't...
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unconventional means to solve the department's most...